I mess around with music making machines/software when I have time… to paraphrase my friend Pilar - “I want to get a full-time academic philosophy job so I can have an obnoxious hobby”
Some bits of things I’ve made
Ableton, Elektron boxes, other hardware (2019-now)
no2xs (v5)
UPR / Shards
Truth Is Is You Do
byakkoya 2021
- my soundcloud which overlaps a bit with all that /\ : https://soundcloud.com/android_kirtron
Mixes (2010/11)
I used to make mixes though by no means could I/can I mix that well. Pals liked these ones I did below, pretty much all vinyl. Some nice techno/weirder strains of dubstep/avant pop and ambient/icy electronic stuff from that time
heartbreak half hour
XMIX 2010
Think I made this and burned to CDs as an xmas gift for friends when I had not much money. Nothing xmassy about it
‘Norfolk’ (2003)
Made this with a demo of Reaktor. Live playing the computer keyboard Mark Salud style
stuff I’m listening to:
- recently: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/47WtYWZVicfKE2ExdwENQd?si=555d2fb1756d4e68
- since 2004: https://www.last.fm/user/mr_andy
other bits
My friend Lawrie does exquisite house tunes mixes: https://soundcloud.com/tonebonekone
keep meaning to stick more mixes and odd tracks from the 2008-2012 ish period on youtube. back when mp3 blogs ruled it was an amazing time for mixes that have since vanished, and we can’t rely on individual youtube / soundcloud etc. accounts to protect them from falling into the internet memory hole: https://www.youtube.com/@android_kirtron/
Did the same with a soundcloud but probably will abandon that because of upload limits: https://soundcloud.com/android-642238616